Each January in Busan, people gather on Haeundae 해운대 beach to plunge into the freezing water. It started in 1988 after the Olympics were hosted by Seoul and people believe it is good for your health.
It’s grown considerably in popularity and there were tents all set up for food and games. Local media stations were also out filming the event. This event was featured in BBC’s Top 10 unusual winter sports.
Here’s the package I received when I registered to swim (cost 20,000 won or $20)

북 north, 극 type, 곰 bear, 수영 swimming, 축제 festival
In the book, I recognized our friends in the first photo under ‘2010’
There was a lot of people taking the plunge and a lot of spectators and media as well
I dove in and swam around for a bit. I would estimate the water temp was in the high 40’s and air temp in the mid 30’s. My back and neck started to burn after a little bit which was a little unnerving.
Shannon hung out with Ann-Marie while I jumped in. Here I am after getting out

I changed clothes and we took a cab straight to Jomaru 조마루 for my favorite soup – backbone or hangover soup.
After eating we went to the basketball arena to watch Busan’s home team, the KT Sonicboom, play.
Here’s the inside of the arena