Not too hot and not too cold – the weather is just right for getting outside and it’s festivals galore this month – Film Festival, Lantern Fest and Firework Fest to name a few. And if the month wasn’t busy enough, Shannon’s mom, Shirley, is visiting from Florida for Shannon’s birthday.
Here’s the Diamond bridge off Gwangali 광안리 again. The city shuts the bridge down to hold a race across it. Contestants can choose to run a 5k, 10k or half marathon race. Shannon and I chose the 10k which means running the length of the bridge and back. Although I run in the gym and neighborhood, this is the first organized race I’ve ever been in.
Here I am after the race. I was too busy running to take any photos on the bridge but here’s me afterwards

It was only 10 a.m. when the race finished, but the organizers saw no problem in handing out makkeoli (cloudy rice wine) to the participants. My official time: 53 minutes and 33 seconds.
Shannon and I also rode our bikes over to Oncheonjang 온천장. It’s a nice scenic ride up the Suyeong river. Here’s a couple videos of us riding along the stream.
Even though the water is getting a little chilly, I also went scuba diving to brush up on my skills. It has been 8 months since my last dive so this was a nice refresher.
A little cold but nothing a thicker than usual wetsuit couldn’t handle.
Here’s some pics below the surface
As I surfaced, I took this pic which you’ll remember is the same spot I at seafood bbq. You can see the tents in the pic
I linked up with a group called Busan Scuba. The drove us out to Taejongdae 태종대 and provided a dive master to guide the dive.