During a late night foosball game, I agreed to go to Daegu with our friend Adam. It’s a short train ride (2 hours on the slow train) but I wouldn’t recommend going in the middle of summer – it’s steamy hot
Here is the outside to Busan’s main train (KTX) station
The fastest trains in Korea get up to 180 mph (300 km/hr) but we opted for the slower (and cheaper) leisure train. It has a carriage which has a bar and other entertainment options – including a singing room

We arrived in Daegu to find out our cheap love motel won’t let us check in until 9 p.m.! Since it’s 20,000 won ($20) a night, we don’t put up a fight and drop our bags.
We caught a bus to ‘herb hills’ entertainment complex. It’s situated on some attractive, leafy grounds and has go carts, penned up random animals and ziplining which is the main reason we came.

As the name suggests, there are also tons of herb plants growing throughout. It was blazing hot (about 95 f) which means we had the park to ourselves. As we walked up to buy tickets, the staff informed us we couldn’t go ziplining due to a slight drizzle of rain. We just waited a little for it to clear and then convinced them to let us go
These are pics of the last leg but there was a significant obstacle course and zipline before this that left us soaked in sweat.
There was also a rather despondent animal area
At night we hit up a couple foreigner bars – including one on the street that serves it’s drinks in a bag. Even at night, it was a little uncomfortable to be outside in the heat so we hit up a couple other indoor places after that. The sun was up on our walk home and after a couple fitful hours of sleep in our hot rooms, we took a train back to Busan.