We get bicycles

There are free bicycle rentals in about 10 different locations in Busan. We tried these out in early June and realized how great it is to bike around. I spotted a used bike store on my bus ride to work one day and we went in and got two bikes for about 80,000 won ($80) each.

Here we are crossing the Suyeong 수영 river on our way to Haeundae 해운대 beach

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After a pleasant 30 minute bike ride, we arrived at Haeundae beach – definitely the most popular and well known beach in Korea

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The crowds aren’t there yet – It’s still June but by July and August, umbrellas will pretty much cover the sand

We pay about 20,000 won ($20) to rent an umbrella and two beach chairs and set up our beach spot

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We had some fun in the water which was still a little chilly for us Floridians

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No, I didn’t grow a rat tail for my hair – that’s seaweed